NetWorthy Systems Blog

NetWorthy Systems has been serving the Beaumont area since 2004, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Are Vigilante Hackers a Threat?

b2ap3_thumbnail_do_vigilante_hackers_present_problems_400.jpg2015 was a brutal year for major corporations, as one by one they fell victim to hacking attacks. Major organizations like Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, and even the United States Office of Personnel became victims of major hacking campaigns. A fact that’s often lost amongst these details is that not all hackers use their skill for evil actions, even if they are still illegal.

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What Could Anti-Surveillance Technology Mean for National Security?

b2ap3_thumbnail_are_they_watching_you_400.jpgThe Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) conference which took place on Saturday, July 21st 2014, had an important panelist, that being Edward Snowden. Whether he's a whistleblower or a traitor is a hot topic on the web, but one thing is certain - he has called for assistance in creating and promoting anti-surveillance technology to mitigate government spying.

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Don’t Be Neutral about Net Neutrality!

b2ap3_thumbnail_how_big_is_your_piece_400.jpgLighting up the airwaves in the United States is the issue of net neutrality. It's a complex and technical topic regarding Internet regulations, but don't let the fine print keep you from caring. This is an important topic that could affect how the Internet is consumed around the globe!

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How the Personal Information of 200 Million Users Wound Up on an Illegal ID Theft Service

b2ap3_thumbnail_secure_the_information_you_can_400.jpgYou're likely familiar with the various ways that hackers can steal your identity, but you may not be familiar with how hackers anonymously buy and sell people's personal information to interested parties. This is done through online ID theft services and a December hearing before the U.S. Senate highlights how one service was selling personal records on more than 200 million Americans!

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Death Star Technology Services

b2ap3_thumbnail_DeathStar1-400.jpgMay 4th is Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you). In celebration of our favorite space saga, we thought that we would write about our dream job; providing IT support for the mother of all technologies, the Death Star from Star Wars.

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Google Reader Refugees Take To Feedly

b2ap3_thumbnail_feedly400.pngThe expiration date for Google Reader is set for July 1, 2013. Google’s decision to axe the Reader was not because it was unpopular, but rather, it seems like Google wants to focus their energy into fewer products. This announcement leaves many Google faithful out in the cold, and Feedly has welcomed the Google huddled masses yearning to read free.

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3 Technologies to Help Your Office Go Green

b2ap3_thumbnail_greenworld400.jpgApril 22, is Earth Day. What is your office doing to help save the planet? We talk a lot about business continuity, but none of that matters without Earth continuity. Here are three office technologies that will help your business go green.

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Mac Malware on the Rise

It looks like Mac users won't be getting a break from malware as another trojan is breaking out on OS X. In February, malware known as Flashback infected around 600,000 Macs. This month a new trojan called SabPub is making its rounds.

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